A cheerleader from Odessa, Texas realizes one day she can regenerate. She can jump from high buildings without having a scratch on her. She’s pretty invincible…
A cheerleader from Odessa, Texas realizes one day she can regenerate. She can jump from high buildings without having a scratch on her. She’s pretty invincible…
cool, ma soms ook kiezig => regenerating toe.
Wel schone madam
wish I could let my body regenerate ! Feeling a bit ill today ...
She can even walk through fire! She can also be close to radiation without getting hurt! Quite useful...
she does get hurt. she feels the pain, but because she regenerates so fast the pain leaves just as fast.
If you can regenerate, you should be able to live forever, no?
that's true anonymous :-)
She's a really good actrice!! I would love to have here powers. It's not always very tastfull as mister drew said. But it would be very nice if you can do anything without getting hurt.
Greetz Melanie
yes, indeed. that would be amazing! you're totally right melanie!
Actually, she once did. Her boyfriend stabbed her with a kind of stick in her head. Then she died... But when the coroner pulled the stick out, her body regenerated and then she was alive again.
If you want to kill a person with the ability of regeneration you have to shoot them between the eyes. That's the only way! (If I remember it well ;-))
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